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16 – 19 Bursary

Students aged between 16 and 19 years who think they might struggle with the costs for full-time education or training may be awarded a bursary at the discretion of the school. Bullers Wood will be responsible for awarding bursaries to students and School will decide on the amount awarded. Bullers Wood will also decide when bursaries are paid, and will set conditions that students should meet to receive a bursary, for example, linked to behaviour or attendance.
Students most in need will be eligible to receive a bursary. This group includes:
• people in care
• care leavers
• people claiming income support
• disabled young people who receive Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance

Other students facing genuine financial difficulties may be awarded a bursary at the discretion of Bullers Wood.

• Students receiving free school meals
• Young carers

Please complete the 3 forms below and return to the Sixth Form Office (D8).  Printed copies are also available outside the Sixth Form Office.

For advice please speak to Miss Levey and visit the link:

For advice on Free School Meals, you can visit the websites here for: