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Mobile Devices

In order to minimise classroom disruption, to prevent cyber bullying and the student use of inappropriate websites, the school does not allow students in Years 7-11 to use personal mobile devices in school, including ear and headphones (for sixth form policy see sixth form handbook).  These include mobile phones, MP3 players, iPhones and smart watches.  If students choose to bring mobile devices/ear/headphones into school, they must remain switched off whilst on site.  These items must be stored out of sight in students’ bags.

Please note that we cannot accept responsibility for valuable items that are lost or stolen.

Should a student be seen with a mobile device/ear/headphones on the premises, it will be confiscated until the end of half-term or until the student’s parent/carer makes an appointment to come in and collect it.  If a student needs to contact home in an emergency, they can speak to their Form Tutor, Head of Year or Student Services.
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We want Bullers Wood School to be a safe place where students can enjoy their learning in a peaceful and calm environment.  Therefore, we would be grateful for your support with this.