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Severe Weather Protocol

Dear Parents and Carers

Re: Severe Weather Protocol

In the event of severe or extreme weather, we will always endeavour to stay open but this will be dependent upon staff and students being able to travel safely to and from the School site; as well as to ensure that external areas around the school site are safe.

On these occasions, we expect students to wear appropriate clothing, for example: coat, gloves and boots or wellies.  Students should bring their normal school shoes to change into once inside the buildings.

If the weather deteriorates during the School day, we will endeavour to contact parents and carers by email and/or the School Gateway and the website.

In the event of the School being closed due to snow or extreme weather conditions:

  • a note will be placed on our website no later than 7.00am
  • you will receive a message via email and/or School Gateway
  • a message will be communicated via Twitter

Where possible, school work will be set for students on Satchel One and/or Teams.

Please note that we won’t necessarily follow the same protocols as the Boys School.  This is because each site including transport routes are different.

Yours sincerely,

Mr S Hardwick
